Friday, December 11, 2009


I get on average around 10,000 to 12,000 unique visitorsto my main site each month. Actually, when you're speaking about the Internet, that's not too much to brag about, but it's better than getting say 1000 or 2000 visitors; that was my usual rate until I aggressively went after targeted traffic for my site.
I thought I would briefly and in very simple terms explainhow I increased the targeted traffic to my main site fromaround 1,000 to 10,000 unique visitors each month. That'sa ten-fold increase -- I am aiming for a hundred-fold increasebut would gladly settle for thirty or forty times the traffic.
How did I increase my site's traffic? The answer might justhelp you get more traffic to your own site. Most of thesetechniques are very simple to implement and if you're serious about building an online business, lets face it,the first thing you're going to need is targeted visitors toyour site.
I hope you have noticed I have mentioned the words 'targetedvisitors' several times already. I did this to bring homethe fact that you're not just after traffic but targetedtraffic or visitors to your site. You want visitors to your site who are already interested in your site's topic and who are more likely to benefit from your site's content or products.
It's the first ingredient for a successful web site.
Below are my 5 main sources of targeted traffic to my site. Along with a short explanation of how youcan create or put the same practices to work for yourown site.
1. RSS EMPOWERED One of most effective sources of trafficto my site would have to be my blogs and RSS feeds. Notice I said blogs and feeds; I have created simple blogs and feedsfor the major topics of my site: on rss resources, webhosting solutions, notebook computers, etc. These blogsand feeds bring in a great number of targeted visitorsto my site.
With the introduction of Google Blog Search, my blog trafficis increasing even more. Within minutes of posting to myblog - I am getting targeted traffic from Google. Youare instantly indexed by Google Blog Search; it's reasonenough for every webmaster to put at least one blogon their site.
Try to imagine the traffic you'll get when the nextRSS empowered Windows browser arrives from Microsoft.Get your own site ready and prepared for RSS to takeadvantage of all this traffic. Just use Google owned to create your blog -- it has that all important blog search bar at the top!
2. SEO EMPOWERED Seo optimization should be your goal! Still the main source of traffic to my site are the search engines. Mainly from Google, followed by MSN and Yahoo. You must optimize your site for the searchengines. This includes off/site links and on/site tactics.
I have been online since '98 so I thought I knew how to optimize a website. Boy, was I ever wrong! I didn't notice a big jump in my traffic until I stumbled across a SEO expert, actually stumble is the wrong word, I actually sought out the best SEO expert I could find. His name is Brad Callen. He offers a free email course on how to optimize yoursites for the search engines. His main product is SEO Elite.
Just the free course and his helpful newsletter have really fine-tuned my site, which resulted in a majorincrease of traffic especially from Google. You shouldtry the same for your site or sites and see the resultsfor yourself.
3. ARTICLE EMPOWERED This one works. Article marketing forme has been the major reason for the turn around in theamount of traffic my sites were receiving. It's one of the most effective ways to get targeted visitors to your site.
Getting your articles published in ezines and on sitessuch as or will generate anenormous amount of traffic to your site. As a bonus, youeven get 100's of subscribers to your own ezine in one day!
The trick is to write helpful how-to articles on current topics that other webmasters want on their sites, this willboost your link popularity with the search engines andincrease your rankings. You must also very carefullychoose the right keywords to target in your articles,matching the content on your site. One way to do thisis with a site like rel=nofollow -- it will show how to pick the right 'competitive' keywords for yoursite. You must target keywords that have high traffic,yet little competition from competing web sites.
My main sources of traffic from article sites include rel=nofollow and rel=nofollow []
4. EZINE EMPOWERED Building a large opt-in list or subscribers to my ezine is another method that brings in a lot of traffic to my site. You can use an ezine to offer helpful tips to your subscribers. It is a very easy way to get repeat visitorsto your site and build up a relationship with your visitors.
Your ezine should relate to your site's theme and offermore information on the same. Whether you believe it not,if you operate a site on a particular subject for a couple ofyears, you will fast become an expert on that subject.People will regard you as such and this will also bringin visitors to your site.
5. VIRAL MARKETING EMPOWERED Another way to attract targeted visitors is to offer a free product or service. I use free brandable reports that visitors can download and use. These reports and ebooks have links back to my sites. One of my mostpopular ones is a timely report and guide on how to use andbenefit from RSS on all your sites. It brings in a lot of traffic.
Similar to the one above, I use other free viral techniques to build targeted traffic to my site. These are products that can be branded with your links and passed around. Helpful software programs that match the theme of your site are good choices tomake.
Another popular one that I have on my site is the DATEwise eCalendar and personal planner that visitors can download and place on their desktops. It has hotlinks to my site that brings in traffic. It can be customized with your site's products so you get targeted visitors or customers.
OTHER SOURCES There are other sources of traffic for my site that I find effective but they bring in lesser traffic than the methods listed above. But they are still worth mentioning, one of these is regular posting on major online forums. This brings in very good targeted traffic, so too, is posting comments in online blogs.
Another good source is a traffic exchange called 'Traffic Swarm' - mostsites where members exchange traffic don't work. You get worthlesshits to your site. However, Traffic Swarm is one exception thatyour should try. You just set your start page to this exchange, andclick on sites you want to visit.
Increasing targeted traffic to your site is an ongoing struggle for every webmaster. I hope you can try some of the techniques that have worked for me. I am sure they will also work for you.
Empower your site with targeted traffic!
To Put RSS On Your Site Within Minutes - Visit This Link: []RSS and Blogging Guide
Titus Hoskins Copyright © 2005 []Seo Optimization
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